Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Google Meet and Quick Assist

Hey Tek-ninjas! I've shared a few videos regarding how to use Quick Assist to facilitate Remote therapy. Specifically, I've shown how to pair that with Zoom. A number of you are not using Zoom, but instead are using Google Meet (especially school folks). Google Meet is great, and also free. And, like Zoom it allows users to share screens and allow remote access, but again, it can be demanding to navigate, and you are at the mercy of the caregivers technical skills. 

Using Quick Assist is super easy to teach parents to use, and once logged in, you can then log yourself into Google Meet with your student, and remotely control their device and support their eye-gaze access. This post shows how to set up Quick Assist, and there is a video for you and one for the caregiver. Remember, Quick Assist only works on Windows platforms, and requires the device to be "unlocked". 

I'm assuming if the reader is using Google Meet, they already have experience with the platform, so this is not a "how to" of the service, but rather how to leverage Google Meet WITH Quick Assist. 

A colleague asked, "why not just use Google Meet and share your screen with the student, and allow them to control it, wouldn't that be easier?" It would be easier, however - if the student uses eye-gaze, switch access, touch-enter, or touch-exit, they could not use them remotely on my software. So, it is easier for them to stay on their device, and for me to remotely model there. 

I strongly encourage folks to practice this kind of remote engagement with a co-worker, or even on two of your own devices if you can. This is a bit complicated the first few times, and you likely don't want to take all your tx time learning to log in. 

Comments, tips, or feedback are certainly welcome, as we are all going where "no man has gone before"....

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